Organization / Yochi Fischer

Yochi Fischer

(with Jocelyne Cesari)

Yochi Fischer is the Deputy Director of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute; a senior research fellow; the Director of the Sacredness, Religion, and Secularization cluster; Head of the Intellectual Journeys program; and co-Director of the Intellectual Incubator for Documentary Filmmaking. Her research interests include religion, secularization, and secularism today and in comparative and historical contexts; memory and history; and the connection between research and creativity. She completed her PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her dissertation addressed the social and cultural history of the early modern period. Her current research deals with the crisis of secularism and the place of sacredness in a post-secular world and offers culturally sensitive models for comparative observation of processes of secularization and religionization in various societies. Fischer edited several volumes on questions of secularization and secularism.